Of course, we format it now will not, because we need to get something at least some data.
Enjoying a flash properties and see that the size of the disk is 0 and the file system from FAT32 into a RAW.
We try not to panic over lost precious to us the information and try to recover the data. Chance we still have.
For this we use the program R-Studio. Install and run the program
find the list of disks found our flash drive. If the program did not find the flash, then damage to the file system is sufficiently large. Controller may be faulty or damaged memory chip. In this case it is best to contact the experts at data recovery. In our case, our program found the drive.
Select the flash drive and right-click a shortcut menu and select Scan .
Scanning the menu indicates the type of file system in which the flash was formatted. Start - from start scanning, typically 0. Size - calculated the size of our program flash. The other parameters can be set as in the screenshot. After setting up click on Scan .
To start the scan mode file system.
Scanning comes to an end ...
All the scan is complete, click OK .
This opens a list of found the program while scanning file systems.
Recognized1, Recognized2, Recognized3 and so on. In our case we choose Recognized2 file system FAT32, since flash was formatted exactly in it. Call the popup menu and select Open Drive Files .
In the appeared Recognized2 tab in the Folder List $ ROOT00001 etc. You can view the files and directories.
Before the needed files or folders, put a check mark and click Recover Marked .
Here you need to choose a place (Output Folder) where the program will copy the recovered files. Settings can be left the same as in the screenshot. If you want to try to recover data in bad sectors flash memory, uncheck the Skip Bad Sectors with Files . After setting press OK .
In the specified directory will be copied the selected files. Part of the data may not be readable or partially restored. Then try to scan the flash with the other settings in the program. The program allows you to recover accidentally deleted information in the files or do a quick format the drive. After restoring the data, you can try to recover the flash. This is described in the article Restoring flash drives after the program crashes . Author: Miro (Administrator FlashBoot.ru)
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